Sunday school will be starting up again with 3 age groups and will be dismissed part way through the service.
We will be starting a New Series in church about ‘The Life of Moses’. Church BBQ for lunch will follow the service and will take place down the street at Trevor & Renee’s. Bring a lawn chair, and please bring either a salad or dessert.
Binscarth Christian Assembly welcomes you to Easter services.
Good Friday 9:30am service and communion
Easter Sunday 9:30am service Please join us. Happy Easter.
Welcome Announcement:
Binscarth Christian Assembly would like to welcome our new pastor and family Trevor Elias and his wife Renee and their son Keston moved to Binscarth in March of 2023 to pastor the church.
Trevor studied at Steinbach Bible College and then served for over five years as the Program Director at Pembina Valley Bible Camp. Trevor's heart is to glorify God and disciple people in the truth of God's Word.
In his spare time Trevor enjoys mountain biking, snowboarding, playing board games with Renee, and playing with his son, Keston. Welcome to our Binscarth community!
On Friday, December 18 at 8:00 p.m. EST, join Parkside Church and Alistair Begg for an online musical celebration of Christmas. This will be a concert you won't want to miss.
Sunday Evening, December 13th at 7pm Madge Lake Bible Camp will be having their annual Christmas Fundraise. Tune in o the Camp's Facebook or Youtube Channel for an evening of campt testimonies, a creative Christmas mashup, special music from Naomi Wiesner & exciting details about 2021.
Regarding KFC Kids Club for Fall 2020
The "KFC" Kids For Christ board held a meeting on August 18th, regarding the return of KFC for fall 2020. It was decided to delay the start of KFC until January 2021, given the current state of Covid-19 in our province.
We are working on options on staying in touch with the kids from club through a variety of methods. We have created a "KFC" tab at the top of our website where we will post current news on club, and some coloring pages, bible stories, downloadable content and bible verses for the kids to enjoy.
Stay tuned for some exciting stuff for KFC kids!
Last KFC - March 17th
Hey KFC Parents!
March 10th is the last night of our KFC Kids Club with Paul’s Dangerous Journey to Athens.
March 17th we will host our final week of KFC kids Club until the fall. We have an exciting wrap up evening planned for the kids next week!
Congratulations to our Bible Quizzers Morgan & Kaitlyn Hatt
Congratulations to Morgan and Kailyn Hatt who had a very good weekend at Bible Quizzing in Regina. They travelled to Living Hope Alliance Church in Regina to compete with 238 other quizzers in attendance.
Morgan placed 1st on the B side; and 29th in his personal best.
Kaitlyn placed 4th on the A side; and 22nd in her personal best.
We are very proud of these two bible quizzers and look forward to hearing more about their quizzing meets! It is so inspiring how they memorize and recite the scriptures.
KFC is back! Starting Jan 7, 2020
The KFC kids enjoyed the first week of “Paul’s Dangerous Journey to Athens” tonite: storytime, music, games, crafts and bible verse! They are learning some great bible stories and verses.
Our new theme song for this semester is below.
Christmas Eve Service Dec 24th at 7pm Binscarth Christian Assembly
Traditional Christmas Carols Biblical Account of the Nativity Short Message from Alistair Begg Food & Fellowship to Follow
Picture a large busy airport at Christmas time. The terminal is crowded with people either waiting for a flight to arrive or to depart. This is the main setting for this locally produced, original Christmas musical entitled Christmas Hope. The drama tells the stories of several families at the airport. The scenes flip back and forth from modern day in the airport to the temple in Jerusalem a little over two thousand years ago. Simeon, a devout man, had been waiting for the Messiah to arrive. In his narration, he tells the story of Jesus’ birth and his encounter with baby Jesus in the temple. Through drama, dance and music, a story of hope – hope in Jesus - is shared with the audience. This is a great way to begin the season of Advent! Langenburg Evangelical Fellowship invites you to join us the weekend of November 29-December 1st. Tickets are $5 and are available at Pharmasave in Langenburg or by calling the church (306-743-2620).
This Christmas musical will also be held at Binscarth Theatre on December 7th at 7:30pm; tickets are $5 and are available at Rob’s Place in Binscarth or by calling Loeppky’s at 204-847-2026. The proceeds from the Binscarth musical will be donated to the Christmas Cheer Board.
Bible Quizzing
There is a Bible Quizzing meet held at Langenburg Evangelical Church on October 25-27th. Please uphold our local teen Quizzers in your prayers as they memorize from Hebrews.
KFC Parents - please see the note handed out on Oct 1st evening
ROAR! With KFC on Tuesday Nights 6:30-8pm
Kids can still register to attend KFC. Please view our new theme song for ROAR!
KFC Returns in October!
Kids for Christ (KFC) Kid's Club has confirmed their upcoming curriculum for KFC 2019-2020.
We are excited to have "Roar: Life is Wild, God is Good" from October to December. "Athens: Paul's Dangerous Journey to Share the Truth" will be from January to March.
Our first date for KFC will be October 1, 2019. Look for upcoming posters! Spread the word, bring a friend!
We have included the waiver form here for your convenience. If you would like to print it, fill it in and bring it to the first night of KFC, that would be great! Please be sure that you include two contact phone numbers on the sheet.
Binscarth Christian Assembly sponsored two golfers for the Adult and Teen Challenge Golf Tournament in support of the Brandon Women’s Centre.
Together we helped raise $41,000 to put hope within reach of women battling addiction - women like Nela and Abi, who both graduate tomorrow! Thank you!! 🙏 💕
Ladies Spring Gathering - April 6, 2019
What a great morning at our Ladies Spring Gathering. Thank you to Colleen, Erin, Jessica, Tynille and Lerissa for sharing your talents with us 🙂
We enjoyed the special music and harmonies of Colleen and Erin. Jessica spoke on "Choosing Joy" in ourselves with our heavenly Father, despite our circumstances. We finished beautiful pallet board crafts; so many varieties and colors. What a wonderful way to spend a Saturday with friends and in fellowship.
Collage Photo by Jessica Jamieson, Prairie Collective Co.
Are You Interested In Going to Summer Bible Camp?
Madge Lake Bible Camp has a great summer program. Binscarth Christian Assembly would like to see our local community youth attend a faith-based camp full of fun recreational activities! Many children through the years in our community have gone in the past and reported back with a great experience!
If you are interested in more info about BCA sponsorship for camp, please contact Doug Turnbull at 204-532-2178. Check out Madge Lakes website for weeks of camp for different age groups and activities:
KFC Kids Club Wind-Up Event
This note went home with our KFC Kids Club last week:
Dear Parents & Guardians: Our club's year is going by quickly, and we are very grateful for your child(ren)'s involvement in KFC. The leaders would like to invite all parents to our closing event to be held on Tuesday April 2 (right after mid-term break). In addition to planned activites, we're hoping to include club members in a short "talent show celebration" but wanted to give you the heads up before we give the children opportunity to volunteer! (eg piano, singing, guitar, poem, verses learned, etc).
Parents of children who volunteer will be given notificaton, so you can confirm participation and assist your son/daughter to be suitably prepared (no pressure).
Please expect further information and an invitation to join us to close the KFC year in celebration!
Thanks, KFC leaders.
Bible Quizzing
Congratulations to Morgan and Kaitlyn Hatt who have had a successful year in Bible Quizzing. At their first meet in November, Kaitlyn and two others received 3rd place out of all in attendance for Rookie C Division. Morgan received second place individual for rookies at that same meet.
In December, Kaitlyn received 4th place individual and Morgan was recognized out of all rookies in Moosejaw SK. Morgan was bumped up a full level (out of rookie C Division) to Rookie A/B Division at this time.
At their most recent bible quiz meet in February, Kaitlyn was 4th Rookie C and Morgan came in 1st place Rookie A/B. The February meet consisted of approximately 330 children.
Morgan and Kaitlyn head to Saskatoon on March 22 to 24 for their next divisional meet. They must know the book of John Chapters 1 through to 18 for that bible quiz meet.
By May, they are to know the entire book of John. On May 3-5th, they will be going to Caron Port Bible College for their last quiz. The Top 10 in the A/B group (full material only) have the opportunity to study for North America finals in Florida in August.
Scott Spears and Sandi Ross are the head coaches and they kids quiz under the name Langenburg Bible Quizzing Group. Their lead bible verse is John 12:24.
"Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." John 12:24
Please continue to keep all the quizzing team in your prayers for studying and safe travels.